7 Most Endangered Programme 2024 – Nominations Open

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All over Europe, cultural heritage is faced with increasing threats: natural and human-made disasters, climate-change impacts, conflicts, neglect, unsuitable development or lack of funds. If you know of important heritage in Europe that is endangered – such as a historic monument or an ensemble of historic monuments, an archaeological site, a place of worship, an industrial complex, a historic garden, a museum, a movable or an intangible heritage asset – nominate it for the 2024 edition of the 7 Most Endangered programme. Both tangible and intangible heritage are eligible for the programme, regardless of whether it is publicly or privately owned.

The 2024 edition of the 7 Most Endangered Programme especially invites nominations of heritage endangered by current or projected climate change hazards, including compounding and cascading risks. Nominations of heritage endangered by both slow onset events (sea level rise, changing seasonality) and rapid onset events (wildfires, extreme flooding) are welcomed. Furthermore, in acknowledgment of the significant crises prevailing on our continent, including conflicts, post-conflict environments, and natural disasters, applications from individuals and organisations who live in these affected areas are strongly encourage.

Launched in 2013, the 7 Most Endangered Programme, celebrating this year its tenth anniversary, is a civil society campaign to save Europe’s endangered heritage. It raises awareness, makes independent expert assessments, proposes recommendations for action and seeks to rally support to save the selected endangered sites. Being on the 7 Most Endangered List often serves as a catalyst for positive change and as an incentive for the mobilisation of necessary public or private support, including funding. The listed sites are also eligible for an EIB Heritage Grant of €10,000 per selected site to assist in implementing an agreed activity that will contribute to saving the threatened sites. Discover here the 56 threatened monuments and heritage sites from 31 countries across Europe that have been selected since 2013.

To prepare your application, please read the Call for Nominations document, which outlines the criteria for selection and the selection process. Submit your nomination here.

The deadline for submissions is 15 September 2023!

The 7 Most Endangered Programme is run by Europa Nostra in partnership with the European Investment Bank (EIB) Institute. It also has the support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Union as part of Europa Nostra’s network project European Cultural Heritage Agora.

Submit your application and join us in our efforts to save our heritage, with particular emphasis on heritage from Central and Eastern Europe!