inHerit. Heritage in Transformation: Call for fellows

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The new Käte Hamburger Kolleg Centre for Advanced Study inHerit. Heritage in Transformation, based at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, invites applications from both experienced and early career post-doc researchers for fellowships to begin in 2024. The application deadline is 12 May 2023. Applications should address questions of heritage in transformation in relation to one or more of the Centre’s guiding themes: Decentring the West, Decentring the Human, and Transforming Value. Researchers and topics from areas currently underrepresented in heritage scholarship, including the global South and Eastern Europe, are especially encouraged to apply.

Fellowships will be awarded for between 6-12 months and may begin on 1 April 2024 or 1 October 2024. Candidates are asked to submit their applications by e-mail to the following address:, contact person – Irene Hilden: Each year, inHerit will host approximately ten international fellows.

Successful projects are likely to be based in original empirical or archival study/analysis of source material (which may have already been undertaken) or creative work, and to probe historically and socio-culturally situated notions and practices of inheritance, heritage, value and temporality – and associated key concepts – through alternatives, such as those based in non-Western, indigenous, historically marginalised or imaginative perspectives. Projects examining or creatively addressing transformations at the intersection between increasingly globally widespread practices, such as restitution, digitalization, genetic ancestry testing and legal changes, and those that address transregional experiences and practices are especially welcome. Applications from artists, film-makers and curators are also expected.

inHerit. Heritage in Transformation is a new Centre for Advanced Study that addresses historical, contemporary and possible future transformations in heritage. Working across the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, it will develop innovative scholarly and creative approaches, shaping novel ways of thinking and doing heritage. The Centre is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research, and consists of a core team of researchers and service staff and is supported by an international advisory board.

We encourage you to apply.