Krakow Hub Heritage Conversations

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A Catalogue of Urban Challenges

Watch our first on-site discussion

Jacek Purchla and Robert Piaskowski talking about problems and solutions for historic cities

A conversation about the challenges faced today by heritage, people, non-governmental organisations and local government in the field of protection and management from the perspective of Krakow. The cataloueg of these challenges is long. Some of them we know well, they have been with us for years, others have appeared recently, caused by the pandemic and geopolitical situation.

Civilization pressures and conflicts have a profound effect on urban planning and control – where are we today? Tourism. Resilience. Climate. The role of Krakow towards Central Europe. These are selected threads of discussion with Robert Piaskowski, Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of the City of Kraków for Culture and Prof. Dr Jacek Purchla, Vice-President of Europa Nostra and President of the TMHiZK. Moderation: Dr Katarzyna Jagodzińska, Head of the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Kraków