“Intangible heritage of Ukrainians in Poland: What next?” We have concluded a discussion summarising the multi-month project

Homepage“Intangible heritage of Ukrainians in Poland: What next?” We have concluded a discussion summarising the multi-month project

What an evening that was that was! After a much needed discussion on the future of Ukrainian heritage in Poland, we were entertained with a concert full of energetic sounds which flowed from the instruments of the HrayBery band and enchanted the audience.

Twelve representatives of the Ukrainian community of Nadsanie, Łemkowszczyzna (Lemkovyna) and Podlasie – panelists in the discussion – faced the question: What next for this heritage, so that it survives, develops, attracts interest and is appreciated?

Thank you for the numerous on-site and online participation. We will soon make the recording available in our new space: the Community Archive for Heritage Activism in Central and Eastern Europe, which premiered yesterday on the occasion of our meeting.

We also encourage you to listen to our podcasts about the Ukrainian heritage of Nadsanie, Łemkowszczyzna and Podlasie.

The event concluded the project “Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ukrainians in Poland: Mapping and Dissemination” implemented by the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University. It is headed by Dr Olga Kich-Masłej from the Department of Polish-Ukrainian Studies, and is carried out in cooperation with Dr Katarzyna Jagodzińska from the Institute of European Studies and Head of the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Kraków, and the Hub team: John Beauchamp and Dr Joanna Dziadowiec-Greganić.