

Preserving Jewish Cemeteries in Central and Eastern Europe

A set of instructional handbooks of the “Protecting the Jewish Cemeteries in Central and Eastern Europe” project – from sustainable tourism and heritage preservation to Jewish cemeteries in the classroom, a range of publications and lesson plans in 6 languages (English, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Slovak, Ukrainian, Georgian) created by participants of teacher seminars and compiled by Jewish heritage experts. The project is an EU-funded pilot project. It is a joint effort by three leading Jewish heritage NGOs: ESJF European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative, Centropa, and the Foundation for Jewish Heritage taking place across seven European countries: Georgia, Hungary, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine. The consortium aims to raise awareness on both the historical and contemporary significance of Jewish cemeteries in local communities, spearhead educational projects with the goal of incorporating Jewish cemeteries into school curricula, and help empower local actors to preserve their Jewish cemeteries. The ESJF Project hopes to preserve Jewish memory, especially in so-called ‘priority areas such as the former Soviet-bloc and South-Eastern Europe. It consists of a series of activities such as seminars, webinars, youth and art university competitions, and various forms of engagement with local institutions & NGOs.

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Cultural Heritage Management and Protection in V4 Countries

The report on the management and protection of cultural heritage, prepared by the Expert Working Group on Cultural Heritage of the Visegrad Countries brings together 30 years’ experience in historic preservation and the expertise of specialists from across the region. It helps to understand the long journey from the underfunded and centralised monument protection systems in several post-communist states to the modern forms of heritage preservation – integrated into the activities of local authorities and open to the participation of civil societies. The purpose of this report is to observe the nature and history of this process by presenting the legal acts and administrative instruments enacted in each of the four countries. V4 Group’s Report contains information about the monument preservation systems in V4 countries, interviews with experts, a selection of the most interesting projects in the field of heritage management in V4 countries and presentation of projects coordinated by the Expert Working Group on Cultural Heritage of Visegrad Countries. The International Cultural Centre has been responsible for coordinating the work of the Group, which involves representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Office of the Prime Minister of Hungary, and the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic.

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HOMEE – Heritage Opportunities within Mega-Events in Europe

The HOMEE project brought together leading research centres working in the fields of cultural heritage preservation and mega-event planning to investigate the ways in which cities use mega-events to support economic development. Funded by the European Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage, the project also involved key institutions and policy officers specialised in heritage policy and in the planning and implementation of mega-events in Europe. It was jointly carried out by researchers from Politecnico di Milano (Italy), University of Hull (United Kingdom), Neapolis University Pafos (Cyprus) and the International Cultural Center (Poland). It involved 16 associate partners, including national and local institutions and non-profit organisations dealing with heritage and mega-events from across Europe, such as the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and the Arts, UK Heritage Lottery Fund, National Heritage Board of Poland, Matera-Basilicata 2019 ECoC Foundation, City of Milan, District of Pafos, ENCATC and the University Network of the European Capitals of Culture (UNeECC). The HOMEE project has built up significant new knowledge concerning the intersection of mega-event planning and cultural heritage. Publications, the results of the research done within the project, are the HOMEE key outputs. One of the most important is the “Charter for Mega-Events in Heritage-rich Cities” generated to help decision-makers and heritage actors face emerging challenges.

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Teaching and Learning with Living Heritage: Resources for Teachers

This resource kit was developed under the joint UNESCO–EU pilot project entitled 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage: Engaging Youth for an Inclusive and Sustainable Europe. The “Teaching and learning with living heritage” project was implemented in close cooperation with the network of UNESCO Associated Schools in Europe (ASPnet) from 2020 to 2021. The ten pilot case studies included projects from the Czech Republic (Masopust carnival in language, history, civics and art classes), Estonia (Kama recipe in language and math classes), Lithuania (Kūčiukai Christmas cookies in language and technology classes) and Poland (Stroje ludowe, traditional decorative patterns in math classes).

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Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe: Towards a European Index for Cultural Heritage

“Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe: Towards a European Index for Cultural Heritage” was a two-year project funded by the EU Culture Programme (2007-2013) that aimed to raise greater awareness on the multiple benefits of cultural heritage and present policy recommendations for tapping into heritage’s full potential. The project has resulted in a nearly 300 page report for tapping into heritage’s full potential. It provides compelling evidence of the value of cultural heritage and its impact on Europe’s economy, culture, society and the environment. The project was carried out by a specially appointed consortium consisting of institutions and organisations specialising in research on cultural heritage, its management and promotion. The project was coordinated by Europa Nostra, while research partners included the International Cultural Centre (Krakow) and Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (KU Leuven, Belgium). Three other organisations participate in the project: ENCATC (The European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centre), Heritage Europe – EAHTR (European Association of Historic Towns & Regions), as well as the Heritage Alliance (partnership institution from Great Britain). The project was realised from July 2013 to June 2015.

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INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE. Safeguarding Experiences in Central and Eastern European Countries and China

Intangible cultural heritage: safeguarding experiences in Central and Eastern European countries and China: 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the 2003 UNESCO convention through the prism of sustainable development, 2017

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