Supporting the resilience of Ukrainian children through enhancing awareness of their living heritage

HomepageSupporting the resilience of Ukrainian children through enhancing awareness of their living heritage

On June 29, 2023, UNESCO Emergency Preparedness and Response Unit organised a debate devoted to the presentation of the results of the project “Supporting the resilience of Ukrainian school children through enhancing awareness of their living heritage. Teaching and learning with living heritage in Ukraine. On behalf of the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Krakow, Dr. Joanna Dziadowiec-Greganić participated in the event as a representative of Europa Nostra.

UNESCO’s pilot project “Teaching and Learning with Living Heritage in Ukraine” seeks to enhance awareness of living heritage among Ukrainian school children by developing a resource kit for primary and secondary school teachers on how to integrate living heritage in school-based education in Ukraine. Integrating living heritage in teaching approaches furthermore demonstrate the role that culture can play in emergency contexts to foster identity, reinforce cultural diversity under threat and facilitate recovery.

The project builds on the positive results of the joint UNESCO-European Union project “Teaching and Learning with Living Heritage“, which was implemented in close cooperation with the network of UNESCO Associated Schools in Europe (ASPnet) from 2020 to 2021. The ten pilot case studies included projects from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland. Please find resources for teachers created during the pilots carried out in schools in these countries in the Resources section on our website.

Activity supported by the UNESCO Heritage Emergency Fund.