7 Most Endangered Programme 2024 – Deadline Extended

Homepage7 Most Endangered Programme 2024 – Deadline Extended

The deadline to submit a nomination to the 7 Most Endangered Programme was extended. The new deadline is 30 September.

Launched in 2013, the 7 Most Endangered Programme, celebrating this year its tenth anniversary, is part of a civil society campaign dedicated to preserving Europe’s endangered heritage. It raises awareness, makes independent expert assessments, proposes recommendations for action and seeks to rally support to save the selected endangered sites.

Every year the 7 selected heritage sites and monuments receive an EIB grant of €10,000 each to help safeguard their future. Listing also serves as a catalyst for mobilisation of public and private support. Both tangible and intangible heritage are eligible for the programme, regardless of whether it is publicly or privately owned.

All over Europe, our shared cultural heritage is faced with increasing threats: natural and human-made disasters, climate-change impacts, conflicts, neglect, unsuitable development or lack of funds. For this reason, this year nominations of heritage endangered by climate change, natural disasters and conflicts are particularly encouraged.

Who can nominate?

For more information:

Call for Nominations

For online submissions:


For any questions, please contact the 7ME Coordinator:

Antigoni Michael: am@europanostra.org

Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2023 (extended deadline)

Webinar “Why and how to submit a nomination for 7 Most Endangered Programme 2024”

The webinar outlined the background of the 7 Most Endangered Programme and provided practical information and tips on how to best prepare and submit your nominations.

The 7 Most Endangered Programme is run by Europa Nostra in partnership with the European Investment Bank (EIB) Institute. It also has the support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Union as part of Europa Nostra’s network project European Cultural Heritage Agora.

It is only with your help that we can save our shared heritage!