

Historical Studies on Central Europe

Historical Studies on Central Europe (HSCE) is a journal published by the Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. HSCE is a new historical periodical which considers the yearbook Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae Sectio Historica as its first series. According to its multidisciplinary character, HSCE is dedicated for contributions from various fields of historical scholarship in a broad, interdisciplinary spirit, including ethnology and archaeology. In accordance with its name, the journal focuses on the history of Central Europe: a region of crossroads and meeting points, where throughout the centuries diverse ethnic groups, confessions, traditions, and political entities have interacted in a very special way. As the definition of the region varies by age and discipline (it may mean the Habsburg Empire, the territory ranging from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic Sea, or from German-speaking areas to the Balkans), HSCE offers a forum for reflective interpretations of this region. Besides studies that specifically address the region’s history, the editors welcome papers that bear methodological and/or theoretical relevance to the study of historical processes. According to the editorial board’s concept, each issue consists of three to five thematic blocks, with two to four studies in each. The HSCE is also open to publish individual papers. The editors are committed to establish a review column with shorter and featured book reviews, as well as review articles critically approaching recent scholarly publications. Furthermore, they aim to publish regular reports on current research projects for disseminating information about ongoing projects in Central Europe. HSCE intends to build an interdisciplinary platform for enhancing the dialog and disseminating new findings on Central Europe, a region, whose research results have limited circulation in international scholarship due to language barriers, and in addition, research is heavily influenced by national narratives. This aim is supported by the fact that HSCE is an open-access journal published twice a year and is available in both printed and online formats.

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In the Name of Socialism, in the Shadow of the Monarchy: Post-War Monument Care in Central Europe

Kristina Uhlíková, Jakub Bachtík, Tereza Johanidesová (eds.); This publication explores approaches to architectural and urban heritage, the development of heritage conservation, and its most prominent topics in post-1945 Central Europe, a territory where conservators’ and historians’ perspectives collided in the face of turbulent political and social change. The book is a follow-up to a conference on the same topic held in 2021. It outlines the current state of knowledge, presenting broadly conceived contributions and detailed explorations of particular themes through individual heritage monuments and case studies. Prague 2022: Artefactum and National Heritage Institute; DOI: 10.54759/artefactum.2023.01.782; ISBN 978-80-88283-78-2

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Protecting Cultural Heritage from Armed Conflicts in Ukraine and Beyond

Research for CULT Committee – Protecting Cultural Heritage from Armed Conflicts in Ukraine and Beyond examines how cultural heritage can be better protected from the effects of armed conflicts, in Ukraine and beyond. It includes an analysis of the applicable international law and policy frameworks and the practice of key international actors in Ukraine, as well as in past conflicts. It concludes with a set of specific recommendations to the EU and its Member States to strengthen the protection of cultural heritage from the effects of armed conflicts, now and in the future. European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Brussels, 2023, External author: Evelien CAMPFENS, Andrzej JAKUBOWSKI, Kristin HAUSLER & Elke SELTER, with a contribution of: Kateryna BUSOL, Elmira ABLYALIMOVA-CHYIHOZ, Dmytro KOVAL & Denys YASHNYI

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In the face of war, UNESCO’s action in Ukraine

As a result of the war in Ukraine, UNESCO has mobilised to denounce violence against journalists, promote the importance and therefore the protection of cultural institutions, and work for the maintenance of education to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities in Ukraine. As Friday 24 February 2023 marked one year since the beginning of the war, UNESCO summarises its actions in the fields of culture, education, communication and information. This press kit shows the emergency measures deployed by UNESCO, as well as presents the next steps of its work in Ukraine, especially in preparation for the country’s recovery. The press kit also includes a section devoted to the protection of Ukrainian cultural heritage and works of art.

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The Warsaw Recommendation on Recovery and Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage

“The Warsaw Recommendation on Recovery and Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage” was created at the International conference on reconstruction “The Challenges of World Heritage Recovery” in 2018. The document contains the most important principles concerning the reconstruction of damaged cultural objects. The recommendation was created with the participation of UNESCO, ICOMOS, ICCROM, UNISDR, the World Bank, the Global Alliance for Urban Crises and representatives from all regions of the world. Warsaw: National Heritage Board of Poland; 2018, 2022

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Saving Ukraine’s culture activity report

The activity report ”Saving Ukraine’s culture” (February 2022 – December 2022) has been developed to summarise the activities conducted by the Polish Support Center for Culture in Ukraine which operates within the structure of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage (NID). It is one of the first studies to comprehensively address the issue of cultural heritage destruction and point to the need for the international community to protect culture in armed conflicts effectively.

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