WE are a voice

of civil society

heritage organiSations

from central and eastern europe


We look forward to working with you!

Dan Perjovschi: Confronting authority in post-modern times

Technique: drawing, comics, graffiti. Material: something that writes and a wall. Message: satire dissecting violence, absurdity, and extremism. Dan Perjovschi is the guest of John Beauchamp and Katarzyna Jagodzińska in the 13th episode of our “Holistic Heritage” podcast series. Fasten your seat belts, as turbulence may occur!

Holistic Heritage: On the Road: Balkan discoveries

The Romanian village of Viscri is world famous for two sites. One is a home of the British monarch Charles III, which was the destination of his first foreign trip after his coronation. The other is the fortified church, one of seven in Transylvania listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. But there are definitely more reasons to visit south-eastern Europe, take a listen for yourself!

Kraków Fortress complex requires synergy, conlcudes 11th meeting of Kraków Heritage Forum

Although ICOMOS states that Kraków has “the most comprehensively organised systematic protection and revitalisation of the historical fortifications of the great fortress in Poland,” the potential of the Kraków Fortress remains relatively unknown to both the local community and visitors. How can we tell the story of its phenomenon? What should be done to ensure that residents and tourists stop to explore these sites rather than just passing by, wanting to learn more about their history?

Christmas podcast on Kraków nativity scenes

In 2018 the tradition of creating nativity scenes in Kraków was inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. What secrets do these colourful works of art hold? What makes Kraków’s nativity scenes captivate generations? We encourage you to listen to the holiday episode of the “Holistic Heritage” podcast, where John Beauchamp and Dr Katarzyna Jagodzińska, in conversation with Dr Andrzej Szoka, head of the Centre for the Interpretation of Intangible Heritage of Kraków (a part of the Museum of Kraków), uncover their unique history, enriching Kraków’s festive atmosphere.

Barbórka with Europa Nostra Award plaque

The commissioning of the oldest operating steam engine in Europe, the concert of the Post-Industrial Entertainment Orchestra – Radio Hoym, which played well-known electronic, rock and pop songs in Silesian, and the ceremonial hanging of the bronze plaque of the European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra Award within the walls of the Historic Ignacy Mine…. this year’s European Barbórka will go down in history!

10th meeting of the Kraków Heritage Forum

The tenth meeting of the Kraków Heritage Forum took place, focusing the participants’ attention on the Kraków Fortress. On 20 November 2024, representatives of NGOs, cultural institutions, and experts discussed the tourist and social potential of the Fortress as a significant element of Kraków’s heritage.

“Intangible heritage of Ukrainians in Poland: What next?” We have concluded a discussion summarising the multi-month project

What an evening that was that was! After a much needed discussion on the future of Ukrainian heritage in Poland, we were entertained with a concert full of energetic sounds which flowed from the instruments of the HrayBery band and enchanted the audience.

Hungary for heritage

What are the current challenges related to the protection of cultural heritage in Hungary? In the 11th episode of the Holistic Heritage podcast Dr Katarzyna Jagodzińska, head of the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Kraków, speaks with Dr Tamás Fejérdy, an architect and lecturer at several Hungarian universities, as well as an expert in heritage protection and conservation. Fejérdy is the president of the ICOMOS Hungarian National Committee.

Secretary General of Europa Nostra Sneška Quaedvlieg–Mihailović visits Kraków Heritage Hub

On Wednesday 27 November 2024 the team of the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Kraków had the pleasure of meeting the Secretary General of Europa Nostra Sneška Quaedvlieg–Mihailović. Also in attendance were Vice-President of Europa Nostra Professor Jacek Purchla and Agata Wąsowska-Pawlik, member of Europa Nostra Board.

Intangible heritage of Ukrainians in Poland: What next?

Join the discussion with Ukrainian activists, heritage custodians, and researchers on the topic of Ukrainian intangible heritage in the post-migratory areas of south-eastern Poland! Then, immerse yourself in its melodies as the event concludes with a concert by award-winning band HrayBery.