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Secretary General of Europa Nostra Sneška Quaedvlieg–Mihailović visits Kraków Heritage Hub

On Wednesday 27 November 2024 the team of the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Kraków had the pleasure of meeting the Secretary General of Europa Nostra Sneška Quaedvlieg–Mihailović. Also in attendance were Vice-President of Europa Nostra Professor Jacek Purchla and Agata Wąsowska-Pawlik, member of Europa Nostra Board.

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A Catalogue of Urban Challenges

A conversation about the challenges faced today by heritage, people, non-governmental organisations and local government in the field of protection and management from the perspective of Krakow. The catalogue of these challenges is long. Some of them we know well, they have been with us for years, others have appeared recently, caused by the pandemic and geopolitical situation.

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Renaissance treasures displayed in landmark exhibition

In this episode of Holistic Heritage, we meet Professor Andrzej Betlej, Director of the Wawel Royal Castle. He discusses the behind-the-scenes preparations of a blockbuster exhibition "Image of the Golden Age: Culture in the Times of the Last Jagiellons".

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European Heritage Award for Veit Stoss altarpiece

This episode brings you to the St. Mary's Basilica in Krakow to unveil news on the process of conservation and the meaning of the Europa Nostra Award for the Basilica and the city.

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Central European heritage seen from Kraków

In this episode, we learn about activities of the International Cultural Centre in Kraków which for over thirty years has specialised in the culture and heritage of Central Europe.

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