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Homepage - Central Europe


Central European heritage seen from Kraków

In this episode, we learn about activities of the International Cultural Centre in Kraków which for over thirty years has specialised in the culture and heritage of Central Europe.

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Heritage and Society. The Experience of Central Europe

The specific nature of Central Europe follows from a unique historical experience of this part of the continent. This became obvious in the 20th century. It has to be noted that in the 20th century political borders in Central and Eastern Europe have changed faster than cultural borders. Central Europe has never found itself outside the European civilisation. But it retained its distinctiveness – which today is a value.

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Heritage organisation survey: complete the survey and share with us your knowledge and experience

We invite you to participate in a study collecting data on the non-governmental heritage sector in Central and Eastern Europe. The study aims to understand the size and nature of this sector as well as the challenges and opportunities it faces. The survey results will be part of a report prepared within the framework of the Mapping the Non-Governmental Heritage Sector in Central and Eastern Europe project.

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Central European heritage seen from Kraków – new podcast

In this episode, we learn about activities of the International Cultural Centre in Kraków which for over thirty years has specialised in the culture and heritage of Central Europe.

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